Sunday, 8 September 2013

Wedding Portraits - The Beauty of Natural Light (and the importance of planning)

On Friday I shot the wedding of Adam and Clare, my creative bride competition winners. The wedding took place at East Cliff (the temporary home of Preston Registry Office) which has the good fortune of having the beautiful Avenham Park close by. I had planned a few creative couple portraits in the park for Adam & Clare, however on the day the weather gods decided to give us heavy rain, cold and wind, so shooting in the park had to be abandoned. But we had a back up plan......the reception was held at St Walburges church hall and on my location visit I noticed an archway that would offer great natural light and an interesting background for wet weather photos if needed. So, in-between the family photos (which we also shot under the arch) I set up this shot in less than a minute and am delighted with the result. When shooting a wedding it is so important to scout the locations and plan shots for good weather (and bad) and I am meticulous about my planning before shooting a wedding. On a wedding day everything moves so fast you have to think and move at lightening speed a lot of the time and you can't afford not to be prepared for whatever comes your way.

Even though we missed some shots on the park this...........this image makes my heart melt every time I look at it and makes me almost glad it did rain after all.......x

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